What's New ? — what camera for me
OM10 making a come back!
35mm cameras analogue cameras examples of vintage cameras examples of vintage photography film camera film camera for christmas film camera uk olympus camera OM10 student film camera vintage cameras vintage Christmas gifts what camera for me Zuiko
We recognised this beauty on the latest series of Sex Education TV show. Aimee discovers her love of art and starts her film journey... And you can too! It's good to see analogue photography growing in popularity again!
Wanted ! Vintage Camera photographers
15 % sale cameras ae1 Ae1 for sale analogue cameras antique cameras antique lenses canon AE1 canon FD Canon FD for sale canonfd caon fd Christmas film camera presents compact 35mm examples of vintage cameras examples of vintage photography fathers day fathersday idea fd lenses film camera film camera for christmas film camera present free online gallery full fram lenses gift for fathers day K1000 for sale old cameras old lenes olympus camera olympus xa2 pocket 35mm pocket film sale on cameras vinatge cameras vintage 35mm vintage camera vintage cameras vintage cameras uk vintage compact vintage fd vintage FD lenses vintage film vintage lens vintage lenses vintage olympus vintage photography gallery vintage photos vintage pocket vintage SLR what camera for me what camera quiz Zuiko
Do you use vintage equipment for your photography ? We are looking for photographers using vintage equipment, get the chance to showcase your work for free. Contact us with examples of your work and the equipment used.
Its Spring !
15 % sale cameras ae1 Ae1 for sale canon AE1 canon FD Canon FD for sale canonfd caon fd compact 35mm fathers day fd lenses film camera film camera for christmas film camera present gift for fathers day K1000 for sale olympus camera pocket 35mm pocket film sale on cameras vintage 35mm vintage cameras vintage cameras eastbourne Vintage cameras in Eastbourne vintage compact vintage compact camera vintage fd vintage FD lenses vintage film vintage lens vintage olympus vintage pocket vintage SLR what camera for me what camera quiz Zuiko
With a turbulent couple of months for everyone we are extending our 15% sale for all items over £50. Its fantastic time of year to get out and about with your cameras. We have had a great deal of people using our vintage lenses on their digital cameras and we love to see the results. If you need help just ask ! we have 30 plus year of experience behind us and are still as enthusiastic as day one. Show us your results
Christmas is coming.
ae1 Ae1 for sale canon AE1 canon FD Canon FD for sale canonfd caon fd Christmas film camera presents compact 35mm fathers day fathersday idea fd lenses film camera film camera for christmas film camera present gift for fathers day olympus camera olympus xa olympus xa2 pocket 35mm pocket film vintage 35mm vintage cameras vintage Christmas gifts vintage compact vintage compact camera vintage fd vintage FD lenses vintage film vintage lens vintage olympus vintage pocket vintage SLR what camera for me what camera quiz Zuiko
Thinking of buying a vintage film camera for yourself or a loved one for Christmas? Not sure what to buy? Our quiz may help and will also give you a discount ! Click Here The friendly folk of Rewind Cameras will always help you if you need and can put custom deals and starter packs together Just ask sales@rewindcameras.co.uk
Try this fun quiz to find out what camera might be best for you
ae1 canon AE1 canon FD compact 35mm fd lenses film camera olympus camera olympus xa olympus xa2 pocket 35mm pocket film vintage 35mm vintage cameras vintage cameras eastbourne Vintage cameras in Eastbourne vintage compact vintage compact camera vintage fd vintage film vintage lens vintage olympus vintage pocket vintage SLR what camera for me what camera quiz Zuiko
This is our fun interactive quiz, add your email at the end to keep up to date and receive 15% discount Terms and conditions apply